
Bono started showing symptoms at the age of six months, and veterinary examination diagnosed elbow dysplasia. Unfortunately, the disease developed in both front legs, causing detachment of small cartilage chips that cause pain and inflammation. After the first X-ray examination the veterinarian predicted that within two years Bono would not be able to stand up. I could not let Bono live with perpetual pain, and removal of the detached cartilage chips would only have been a temporary solution. So I decided to try a stem-cell therapy. Stem cells cultured in the StemcellX laboratory were injected into the sick elbow joint by Bono’s veterinarian. The result is rousing: since transplantation (2013) Bono has been living without pain, with no medication. It is true that he will never be a frisbee or agility champion, but he feels good and lives a nearly full life.